112-825 Boul Lebourgneuf, Quebec, QC G2J 0B9
Appels Locaux: 1-888-605-0666
112-825 Boul Lebourgneuf, Quebec, QC G2J 0B9
Appels Locaux: 1-888-605-0666

In Silent Remembrance (for the Cemetery)

In Silent Remembrance (for the Cemetery)

The many memories of a person never fade, even when they are no longer with us. With flowers, you express your sympathy and pay your last respects to the deceased person. You are welcome to announce your individual flower color choice into the ""remarks""-field. A ribbon is included, type your desired text into the ""Compose personal accompanying text"" field. The picture corresponds to the middle price variant. The pot may differ from the picture.
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Propulsé par Transworld de livraison Fleuristes, Inc.