Great Blooms Florist -Raleigh

Great Blooms Florist -Raleigh 3113 Woodcreek Dr, Test, IL 000000
Local: 1234567890
Great Blooms Florist -Raleigh 3113 Woodcreek Dr, Test, IL 000000
Local: 1234567890

The FTD® Garden Glam™ Bouquet

The FTD® Garden Glam™ Bouquet

This enchanting bouquet is full of lavish blooms in an array of pink and coral shades with fragrant eucalyptus accents. Details: - Good bouquet is about 12""H x 17""W - Better bouquet is about 13""H x 19""W - Best bouquet is a about 14""H x 20""W

All items featured on this site represent the types of arrangements we offer and may vary depending upon availability in certain regions. Substitution Policy

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