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Q. What happens when the recipient is not at home at the time of delivery? A. If the recipient is not at home at the time of delivery, the florist may choose to:
If the recipient is at work all day, we suggest sending the arrangement to their place of work. Q. When do most florists make deliveries? A. Most florist shops make deliveries during normal business hours, usually from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m. However some florists may offer extended delivery hours. Q. Can I request a specific time or an hourly range for my arrangement to be delivered? A. Since we do not know each florist's delivery schedule for a particular day, we will be unable to guarantee delivery requests for a specific time or within an hourly range. Requests may be taken for either an a.m. or p.m. delivery, but they cannot be guaranteed. Q. If I request an a.m. or p.m. delivery, will I be contacted if the florist is unable to deliver as I requested? A. We will make our best effort to deliver your arrangement as requested. However, we will not be able to confirm a.m. or p.m. delivery once the order is placed. We do guarantee that your arrangement will be delivered on the requested delivery date. Q. Does FTD deliver to ICUs (Intensive Care Units) or CCUs (Critical Care Units) at hospitals? A. Most hospitals do not allow deliveries to be made to an ICU or CCU. Should you send flowers to someone in the hospital who is in, or has moved to, intensive or critical care, we will hold the order for you until the person is released into a regular room. A fresh bouquet will be delivered at that time. Q. What additional information is needed to ensure delivery to a hospital? A. We need to know the name of the patient in the hospital, the patient's room or ward number, and the name of the hospital. If the patient has not yet been admitted, we will need to know when the patient will be entering the hospital. Q. Are you able to take the flowers directly to the recipient's room when delivering to a hospital? A. Most hospitals do not allow floral delivery drivers to deliver the flowers directly to the recipient. Drivers usually leave the flowers with the hospital's receptionist, at the nurse's station, or in the flower room. Q. What additional information is needed to ensure delivery to a funeral home? A. We need to know the name of the deceased or the family's name, the date and/or time of the service, and the name of the funeral home. Q. What additional information is needed to ensure delivery to a hotel/motel, etc.? A. We need to know the recipient's name, the check-in day (if the recipient has not already done so), and the room number (if known). Q. How can I confirm that the delivery has been made? A. Please contact the florist directly. Q. Can my arrangement be delivered on Sundays? A. Some of our florists are open on Sundays and make deliveries throughout the day. Look for the SUN icon when you search our network and be sure to place your order by the florist's cut-off time on Sunday Q. Do you deliver to businesses? A.
Yes. We need the name of the business and the recipient's phone number,
department, and working hours. |